Other Tips For Self Defense
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
Defend yourself without doing permanent damages
Prepare against abuse
Places to hit an attacker without doing damages
The ability to defend yourself is now a requirement of the world we live in. You should be able to protect yourself when and if necessary, even if it is never a good idea to enter into a full-fledged physical fight. This is the reason “self defense” moves are only for defense not to do fatal damage except when it is absolutely necessary. The following are examples of places to hit an attacker without doing fatal damages;
When you carry a stool or any other equipment to hit an attacker, he assumes that you are coming for his head, take a detour and hit his knee instead. This will render the attacker immobile and then you can swiftly make your exit. You attack the head of an attacker as a last resort if the attacker is persistent after some other self-defense tactics has been used.
If you have an equipment like brass knocker around you, smash the bridge of the attacker’s nose.
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