How to Defend yourself using S.I.N.G

How to defend yourself using S.I.N.G

S – Solar plexus (Guts): The Solar plexus can also be referred to as the celiac plexus or pit of the stomach. When you render a blow to this area, an attacker will be stunned and their diaphragm will shudder, which will result in difficulty in breathing for the attacker. Use your right elbow forcefully on the attacker below the abdomen.

I – Instep Step two involves the instep, which is the upper surface of the arched middle portion of the foot that resides in front of the ankle joint and extends to the toes. When you stomp on this region, the attacker will be incapacitated and may not be able run after you when you escape.

N – Nose: The nose is the next place to pay attention to. It will further render the offender helpless and add to their suffering. Also, it will result in a bloody nose and offer concrete evidence that a defensive strategy was used.

G- Groin: A quick kick to the nether regions will neutralize the threat and give you time to flee or call for assistance. In most cases, this tactic is thought to be flawless. Regardless of the attacker's age, gender, physical prowess, or motivation, the force of a strong push to this area can deter a violent confrontation like few other things could.


These strategies ought to keep you safe and make you feel more assured, regardless of whether you have experience with martial arts or none at all.

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Is the child's helmet fitting properly?

You're right!

Remember to use the following to guide proper fitting:

  • Helmets should sit comfortably on the head all the way around, sitting level and stable enough to stay in place during violent shakes or hard blows.
  • Rest the helmet level on the head, not tilted.
  • Make sure the straps of the helmet form a “V” under the ears when buckled.
  • Have the strap underneath the chin fit comfortably snug.
  • Secure the helmet to the point that twisting and tugging cannot remove it.

Helpful Hint:

When it is time to purchase a new helmet, let your children pick out their own; they will be more likely to wear them for every ride.

You got this wrong!

Remember to use the following to guide proper fitting:

  • Helmets should sit comfortably on the head all the way around, sitting level and stable enough to stay in place during violent shakes or hard blows.
  • Rest the helmet level on the head, not tilted.
  • Make sure the straps of the helmet form a “V” under the ears when buckled.
  • Have the strap underneath the chin fit comfortably snug.
  • Secure the helmet to the point that twisting and tugging cannot remove it.

Helpful Hint:

When it is time to purchase a new helmet, let your children pick out their own; they will be more likely to wear them for every ride.

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