Questions On How To Escape from Physical Attack/h1>

Please select an answer for each of the questions below. Click the submit button when you have completed the post-test.

  1. What is the first thing to do when an attacker throws you down?
  2. What do you do if an attacker persists by sitting on you or trying to grope your breast?
  3. Complete this statement “He that is down needs fear no ___________”
  4. ___________ strategy is very useful when an attacker assaults from behind
  5. What tactic is thought to be flawless in most cases?
  6. An attacker will be incapacitated and may not be able to run after you when you escape if you _____________
  7. The first thing to do when you are trapped inside a room with an attacker is to _____________
  8. An attacker might _____________ if you attempt to initiate an attack on him
  9. Which one of these should you do if the attacker doesn’t have a weapon but he attempts to rape?
  10. Ensure you do not strike an attacker’s ______________ so he doesn’t bleed to death.